Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Learn from Nature. Patience and perseverance brings its own rewards


Anonymous said...

Amen !!

Terri said...

Perseverance and patience are both hard - but the results are great!

A Captured Reflection said...

Perseverance was a word that God spoke over my life in 1998. I don't know if I was too chuffed at the time as I knew it mean't a journey was underway, but as you say so rightly - growth came from perservance and patience.

luvmy4sons said...

A hearty AMEN to add to the others! Patience, practice and perseverance. Observing nature is a great way to learn them all!

Masked Rabbit said...

Nature, my soft spot.

She Rose Up said...

It's one of my fav traits! Just something I admire & desire!

BTW, I love your updates!

p.s. I tagged you for a me-me....

Did you ever get your pacakge?


A Captured Reflection said...

I look forward to hearing about the Retreat and how the singing went in German. At my son's party venue there weren't games as it is a big indoor adventure playground, so they all played hard before sitting down to eat and being greeted by Charlie the Chipmunk, who Emma was very afraid of because he was 'too furry'.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I absolutely LOVE that Ally!!!