Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Canary

I have never owned a canary, but my sister has one. He is your classic yellow bird with a tremendous capacity to make a lot of noise! He squeeks, squirks, sings and throws his seed all over the floor -a truly enjoyable pet!

His cage is happily situated in the kitchen where we often sit having a cup of tea and a chat. Naturually we often find ourselves engrossed in different topics of conversation only to discover that our yellow companion joins in! More often than not the bird tends to "out talk" us becoming loud and squirky or simply singing at the top of his lungs! Often we only realize this when we have raised our voices to such a pitch as to hear ourselves over the bird!!!! It´s quite funny actually even though we mutter a somewhat frustrated "shut up" under our breath!

One day, not so long ago, our dear canary friend was strangely quiet. He was still and silent inside his cage and did not join in our conversation or burst into song.

Canaries stop singing for several reasons. They may not sing if they are in the cold or if they are ill. But one of the causes that really caught my attention was that they also stop singing when the molt. This usually happens once a year during the summer and can last between 6 - 8 weeks.

The canary is loosing it´s plummage .... and stops singing. It is stripped and doesn´t find anything to sing about.

Right now I find myself feeling like that molting canary. I feel "stripped" and discouraged and have lost my song.

I wish that I wasn´t writing such a "low" post, but I can't muster what isn´t there into being and felt I needed to be transparent! I am hoping that this time of molting...which I do believe that God is using inspite of the present pain and discomfort I am living... will soon pass.


Demara said...

Oh Ally, this is such a very good analogy, truly, I too can relate to this. I very much feel as though I am in that time of molting at this job or just this time in my life in general. Thanks so much for this! I hope you don't mind if I pass it on to someone else I think may need to hear it?
I love you!
Thank-you so much for your transparency. It's nice to hear of others in the same boat, you are not alone!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Boy do I know about the molting stages He takes us through.
I am sorry you are going through a rough time but I am looking forward to the great things He is doing through this time.
Praying for you--let me know if there is something I can be specifically praying about.
Hold on!
Remember that His plans for you and yours are for good and not for evil.
He can only think in a loving way toward us.
May you know Him and the power of His might.

She Rose Up said...

God bless you and your family during the upcoming year! What an inspired analogy! I soooo get that! Have felt very "molty" myself of late. But much better since the day after Christmas (no reason that is obvious)...these things sort of ebb and flow, until one day you look and the scenery is all different and you are dealing with something different and the other issue is now something of a praise report!

So glad to have found your blog!

Will be keeping you in prayer!

Much grace to you!

Cjdusse said...

It is a great analogy. May His grace be with you in this season. You will find your song again and sing again.