Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Proverbs Challenge - Notes

As I started this morning to catch up on my 9 chapters, I felt an sense of anticipation and excitement. I am encouraged by the fact that many of you have joined "The Proverbs Challenge" and feel a kind of "brotherhood (maybe sisterhood would be more appropriate!!)and connection, in spite the miles and cultures, in discovering God´s word together. It´s such a neat idea and I am thankful for a new "ump" in my bible reading... Lord knows I needed it!

As I read these verses, I am reminded that man is the same all over the world, country to country, culture to culture and from age to age. Yes, the heart of man is still confronted with the same temptations as in the beginning of time, which can be summed up into what I like to call the the basic 3: Power, Sex and Money.

In proverbs we are situated in where these 3 areas are exactly what Solomon is warning against.... , stealing from others, the wayward wife/prostitute and challenging the reader to be humble.

I discovered in Cap 3:27 a verse that really echoed in my spirit. "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is your power to act."

I feel like this is my life´s motto ... my statement of faith if you wish. I have always had this drive, and now I realize that it is something that God has placed in me. I am glad to rediscover this verse and claim it as my own.
Do you not think that it is interesting that in Chap 6:16, Solomon says there are 6 things that the Lord hates and seven that are detestable to him... why is there a distinction between 6 and 7? Why does he not just write 7 and that´s it? I wanted to throw out that question!

Proverbs is the Holy Spirit constantly warning us to avoid roads that will lead us into sin.... and roads that lead to a depth of sin that means death in this life and the next.

But God will never leave us without His help. Wisdom is crying out in the streets so it is not hard to find if we really care about pleasing God. It´s not hidden or outside the realm of the possible. It is like God, in his love, sets up spiritual "traffic lights" to help us on our way.

Proverbs are the Bible´s version of traffic lights in our Christian walk.

This is Stop. Obvious. The Holy Spirit is saying don´t got there... don´t even think about it!

... orange out that might not be your best move...proceed with caution... have you spiritual senses on alert...

and then Green is: this is the way, walk ye in it. Full steam ahead.

With all this help we still have that still, small voice from behind whispering directions and truth like the entrusted coach, ever present, ever wise and ever faithful.

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." I John 1:7


A Captured Reflection said...

Great post (love your new profile pic too - awesome hair!). I am loving Proverbs, knowing that a bunch of us are reading at the same time, delving deeper. Yes, why is it about those 7 things - from 6 and then oh and here is the 7th. I wondered that too.

Knit-Wit said...

Great thoughts. I believe Solomon was writing in poetry form and that accounts for the 6/7 thing.

Demara said...

I LOVE IT, Ally!!!
Proverbs does give God's children direction in wisdom, and Solomon was so wise, in fact that is what his name means I believe.

Thanks for your comments!!!
I love hearing from my visitors...and I KNOW it doesn't happen that often. I have a lot of visitors NOT commenting...sad I know. :)

Masked Rabbit said...

Hey Ally,
Karen encouraged me to look at yours and her blogs regarding the proverbs challenge and consider taking it up. I have been hopeless with bible reading for all of my life. I do use Word for Today but tend to just read the portion of scripture at the top then the thought below it. It's kinda cheating too.
I may well take the challenge but also I may not stick it out. Its one of the key things I have a problem with - stickability!!!

Sassiekiwi said...

Good post Ally ...

When I was doing my ministry internship we called those three temptations,
the gold
the glory
the girls (or boys as it may be!)

keep digging ... there is treasure to be found!

A Captured Reflection said...

I have given you an award my precious cousin. I have loved getting to know more about you, your thoughts, passions, joys and trials. You inspire me!

A Captured Reflection said...

I'm not sure how to get rid of the zodiac thingy on the profile. I know it just stands out when you don't follow that kind of thing. Thanks for your wise comments, that was so right, it's been a real mis-conception of mine in the past that popular folk haven't feared rejection. I've had some surprises from people who I would never ever have thought found this an issue. You are so wise :-) For blog surfing I go to google and type in some key words, ie country, praying and see what I find. I like a good surf now and again :-)

A Captured Reflection said...

More and more cos I am seeing and hearing of children who have dealt with issues akin to ours going for it with God in exciting ways, forging new paths. Like it's been a real battle from the beginning to see them released and 'out of the box'. That you have held on to God so strongly, that you persevere and find joy in your journey and 'bread' for the day and sow many encouraging seeds in the lives of others - that radiates to others and offers hope in God. You are an awesome rainbow girl!

Ally said...

thanks cos!

Anonymous said...

You wrote on the first paragraph exactly what I meant on my last comment ;DD It´s just that I´m reading what I lost these past days, starting from the oldest one and so on...
God is wonderful, providing us so many ways to know and remember the steps we should take. We´re so limited and He doesn´t give up!!!
Really enjoyed the traffic lights idea!