Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thank Heaven for my Husband!

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ~Rita Rudner

Today my husband and I have been married for 19 years. I know that I would not be the person I am today if it would not be for God´s work in me and the love of this wonderful man....

His love makes me feel free to fly like a bird, to reach for my dreams yet he is always there to catch me when I fall.

He is the one who sees me at my worst, yet loves me anyway.

He never forgets to be the first to congratulate me when I do well.

He makes me feel like a million dollars even though I´m only wearing sweatpants.

He helps me to laugh at myself when I´m too serious.

His gentleness leads me to see the jerk I´ve been and makes it easy for me to say I'm sorry.

He is the greatest companion on any trip to any country.

And yesterday he bought me roses because he wanted to surprize me and not wait until today!

I love you honey.... happy 19th Anniversary



A Captured Reflection said...

Happy 19th Anniversary. Where have the years gone? It seems like only yesterday, yet another eon at the same time.

My husband is a huge blessing to me too, I am so grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful loving husband who is also my best friend.

Have a happy celebration.

Maybe for your 20th you'll come over to NZ? (hints)

Anonymous said...

My dearest honey bunchy

Just got up this morning to find this wonderful surprise in your blog. There are so many things that come to my mind to somehow attempt to describe all you mean to me. You are

I nmensly humorous!!

L oving
O utstandingly great mom & wife
V ery creative and spontanously so
E ncouraging and always supportive

Y outhful
O utstandingly disciplined
U nique

The more I know you, the more I value you. Thanks for being my friend and I´m glad that I´m the chosen one by your side to be "annoyed" a lifetime by you =)

te quiero


Anonymous said...

Aww, that was just so sweet to read...thanks! happy 19 yeard to you:)

Masked Rabbit said...

Hey congratulations Ally & Stephan!

Fantastic stuff.
I hope you celebrated in style. How lovely to have flowers.

Loved your post on the unofficial end of summer. You hit the nail on the head about being depressed after the end of a holiday. Just finished a week and a bit off work and back tomorrow!
Take care

Anonymous said...

¡cómo me gusta veros expresaros vuestro amor! me hace mucho bien, sobre todo cuando son tantas las ocasiones en las que me llegan noticias de seres queridos teniendo dificultades o incluso rompiendo sus promesas y votos...
maría ester

Anonymous said...

Sí es que...mi hermanito y mi cuñaíta son la leche!!!!!A por otros 19!!!! ;p

Anonymous said...

¡Qué lindoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Aww... I think you are a real example of a loving, happy and blessed marriage! Thanks for that! Again ;)
And I could realize that when I was in Spain.
You can´t imagine how good is that for such dreamers as me that see each day things different from that in the world.
Congratulations and Happy 19th Anniversary!!!

Sorry for early today on msn... when I was going to answer you the energy here had a problem... :/

Ally said...

Thanks guys...

Anonymous said...

My dearest friend,

It´s so great to be able to read your blog, to be able from the distance to walk with you this journey of life. I am so blessed having you in my life. Your encouragements are always there, you are an important part of my life as without you, I would be very different now.

I love you dearly and I am proud of you,


Brigitte said...

Happy anniversary Ally ans Stephan!! God bless you even more!!

Ally said...

Thanks spookie...thanks also for chcking out my blog....