Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The grass is always greener......

Yes that famous proverbial saying that often leaves us wondering....

Is it true? Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence?

.."Something that you say which means that other people always seem to be in a better situation than you, although they may not be. "

Often whether it really is or not is irrelevant, because in most cases one would never know. That is what makes it so tempting or so easy to believe!

Why is it that in our human nature exists this space marked... "desire for that which I don´t have!!" Sadly I believe it never leaves us as long as we remain on this earth.

Maybe we can sum it up in one word:COMPARISON

examine and note the similarities or differences of;

We constantly compare ourselves with others: consciously, unconsciously, check if we are "up to par" with those we love and admire....Sadly this practice more often than not, leaves us with an aftermath of discouragement and a blanket of despair.
Contemplating the grass on the other side makes us discontent with that which we do have or who we are.

Sadly I do this often , comparing myself with other mothers. I find myself wanting in so many areas....and it is oh so easy to believe that everyone else´s kids are better behaved, more intelligent and loveable than mine. The grass is greener... Ouch... it even hurts to write it! Any area or walk of life can come under the scrutiny of comparison. Each one of us has his own personal battleground of "the grass is greener...."

So where does that leave us? Is there a way out of this vicious circle?

How well Jesus understands this part of the human heart when he exposes this very attitude in the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in Matt 20: 1-16.

To summarize... a landowner needs workers for his vineyard and goes out early morning, the 3rd hour, the 6th hour, 9th hour and finally the 11th hour to hire workers with the agreement for the day´s work of a denarius. When pay up time came around the stress began...

v12: These men who were hired last worked only 1 hour...and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.

Ooooh there it black and white.... comparison in capital letters.... yet the offer was fair to each with no deceit. The problem came when the workers started to compare what each of them had done for the same recompense. In Gal 6:4 we are told very clearly not to compare ourselves and carry our own load.

So what are we then to do? Could it be that the secret to not compare or constantly desire the greener pastures lies in Philipians chapter 4: 11, 12 ? Is there a key?

Here Paul tells us how he has learned to be content whatever his/the circumstance, followed by the promise given in v13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

Does this not give us the secret to overcoming our wandering eyes to our neighbours greener field? If I am happy with who I am and learn to be content no matter what my fate, together with Him who gives me strength to walk out my walk.. is there not a possibility to live a fulfilled life with joy and peace?

Often the naked truth about that which we desire, actually it has a bitterness of it´s own..a unseen weight and trial which our rose tainted glasses did not allow us to see?

My experience has been that upon closer inspection that which I desired or admired isn´t at all what it was cracked up to be. What I had wished or longed for had "hooks" attached.... and God in His wisdom, unbeknown to me, protected me by not giving me everything I considered better.....

Nope... the grass is often no greener on the other side after all....


Anonymous said...

Me encanta esa expresión. Es una lástima que no haya traducción en castellano. ¿La hierba siempre se ve más verde desde el otro lado de la valla?Jeje. La codicia, la hierba al otro lado de la verja, al fin y al cabo es sólo una ilusión. A veces a mi me pasa eso, y cuando me ocurre es señal que estoy mirando a donde no debo.Y entonces, a lo lejos se empieza a oír un viejo himno:
" Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace".

A Captured Reflection said...

We have been on the same wavelength, I posted an entry on Sunday 3rd Dec which included reference to the grass being greener on the other side and the Phillipians Bible Verse. Very exciting!

Anonymous said...

I missed come here and read great lessons that make us think!